


先週、インド証券取引委員会(SEBI=Securities and Exchange Board of India)が海外投資家に対するデリバティブ(金融派生商品)への投資規制をするとのニュースが報じられてからムンバイ証券取引所30種株価指数(BSE SENSEX 30 Index)の下落が続いた。


また、夜のニューヨーク市場のインドADRも銀行株のICICI Bank (IBN)HDFC Bank (HDB)が10%以上の上げを記録し、India Fund (IFN)も最高値に迫る勢いになるなど噴き上げた。

先週の規制案では海外投資家が株式市場から資金を引き上げる可能性をめぐっていろいろな憶測が流れたが、25日の決定は、結局のところ、海外の機関投資家(FII=Foreign Institutional Investors)によるインド株投資をきちんとした形でやらせようということのようだ。

インド証券取引委員会(SEBI=Securities and Exchange Board of India)のダモダラン(Meleveetil Damodaran)委員長は、記者会見上で「今日のように、インド市場に直接投資できなかった人たちが参入を許可される-これが我々の目標である。いずれ我々は一連の施策を通して目的を達することになるだろう。(Allowing access to such people as today do not have access to our markets directly – that’s our goal. We will get there through a series of measures over time.)」と述べた。

門戸が開かれれば、例えば在外インド人を相手に展開しているCitibank India NRI accountが外国人でも使えるということになろうか。

ただ、原文にある over time は「ゆっくり時間をかけて」という意味もあるだけに本来のインドの役所流にやられると実現可能性は著しく低くなるけどね。


India eases restrictions on foreign investors (インドが外国人投資家に対する規制を緩和)
(October 26, 2007 Financial Times by Joe Leahy in Mumbai)

India’s stock market regulator eased the criteria for foreign institutional investors seeking to register to buy shares in the country’s domestic market on Thursday, potentially opening the door wider for the entry of more hedge funds.

Meleveetil Damodaran, the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India, also promised broader medium-term reforms to allow greater market access, including introducing more derivatives products and improving cost efficiency.

“Allowing access to such people as today do not have access to our markets directly – that’s our goal. We will get there through a series of measures over time,” Mr Damodaran told a press conference.

(10月25日の)木曜日、インド市場の規制当局は、今まで以上にヘッジファンドが参加する可能性のある海外の機関投資家(FII=Foreign Institutional Investors)によるインド株式投資のための登録基準を緩和した。

インド証券取引委員会(SEBI=Securities and Exchange Board of India)のダモダラン委員長は金融派生商品(デリバティブ)の売り出しや、費用効果を高めることを含む、より多くの市場参入を可能にするための中期的な改革をも約束した。


The regulator was confirming the introduction of a series of proposals aimed at curbing foreign investment in the market via offshore derivative instruments, known as participatory notes (P notes).

Sebi sparked a panic last week when it released the draft proposals, which analysts believe had the underlying aim of cooling mass foreign investor inflows into Indian stocks in recent weeks.

These have driven up the value of the rupee, creating concern over systemic risk to the monetary system and undermining the country’s export competitiveness.




P notes are derivatives based on underlying Indian stocks or derivatives that are sold by investment banks to investors, especially hedge funds, which either are not eligible to register to invest directly in India’s market or do not want to go through the trouble of registering.


Mr Damodaran said Thursday the curbs earlier announced on P notes, including a ban on new notes based on domestic derivatives and severe restrictions on those based on underlying stocks, would go ahead as proposed.

However, to make it easier for former P note investors to come through the front door, he announced Sebi would ease rules governing the ownership of funds seeking to register as foreign institutional investors.

Whereas presently, no single shareholder in a fund is permitted to hold more than 10 percent, he said this would be eased to 49 percent – a measure making it easier for entities controlled by individuals and corporates to enter the country.




He also loosened rules requiring that funds investing in the market have a track record of one year or more.
This would now apply to the manager of the fund rather than the fund itself. The earlier rule had meant that newly set up funds were ineligible to register.

He also said pension funds, foundation funds, endowments, university funds and charitable funds would also be eligible to invest, even if these were not subject to a regulator in their home markets.






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