


去る5月8日、バンコクの出入国管理局(Bangkok Immigration Bureau)から「韓国人など外国人の入国審査に関するガイドライン」というビザランの規制に関するタイ語のお知らせが出された。


  1. (陸路)国境において、観光目的では無く、タイ王国での滞在を続けるためにビザラン的な方法により出入国を行うことを禁ずる。
  2. 空路にて、ビザラン目的での出入国と認められる場合は、該当者に対しては警告するとともに、適切な入国ビザを取得するようアナウンスする。本日より2014年8月12日までは、入国スタンプ脇に「O-I」(=Out-In)と記載することで据え置く。8月12日以降は、入国審査官がビザラン目的と判断した場合、入国を拒否する。




それに最も重大な懸念は、せっかくスムーズに行き始めたスワンナプーム国際空港(Suvarnabhumi International Airport)での出入国審査が、ビザランチェックのために長蛇の列になることだが、これが短期旅行者にとっては一番の心配の種かもしれない。


さて、私が訳した下記の英字紙のうち、最近の二つの記事は、いずれも出入国管理局長官パーヌ・ケードゥラーポン(Pharnu Kerdlarpphon)国家警察中将(Pol. Lt. Gen./Police Lieutenant General)への取材という形を取っているが、彼によれば、今回のビザラン規制は不法就労対策で、その主たるターゲットはロシア人、韓国人、ベトナム人、中国人ということらしい。

5月12日付のバンコク・ポストの論調は、長期滞在の西洋人がビザラン規制の対象というイメージだが、5月18日付の記事(Bangkok Post – Border insecurity mounts as tourist visa abuse is targeted)では、どうやら不法就労の韓国人が最大のターゲットいうイメージだ。


何しろ、5月16日付のプーケット・ガゼット(Phuket Gazette – Tourist visa runs are not dead: Immigration boss)には、プーケットの出入国管理事務所長の談話として、タイから国外追放された外国人は再入国が5年間禁止される(People who are deported will be banned from re-entering Thailand for five years, not forever.)と書かれているからだ。

次に、タイの入国に際して、十分な所持金がないことを理由に入国を拒否されたロシア人のことが報道されている(Phuket Gazette on 11 May, 2014 – Russian denied entry at Phuket International Airport over ‘visa’ crackdown)ことから、他の国籍者、もちろん日本人にもその影響が及ぶのかという懸念がある。

日本国籍など48か国の国籍を持つ旅行者は、原則として30日(韓国、ブラジル、ベルーは90日)の観光ビザ免除(Tourist Visa Exemption)をされているが、タイ外務省のウェブサイトによれば、ビザなしの入国要件には、滞在費を賄うだけの十分な資力の証明(例えば、1人当たり10,000バーツの現金、家族の場合は20,000バーツ)が必要とされていて、今まではそれがノーチェックだったものを厳格化しようということなのだろう。(参考:在タイ日本国大使館-タイ入国に際してのご注意(その2)

また、15日間のアライバルビザ(Visa on Arrival)を取れる国籍者も、私たちがカンボジアやインドネシアでそうであるように、今までは大した審査もされずに観光ビザが取得できたのだろうが、こちらの人々の方がより厳しくなるのは当然のことかもしれない。



タイへの出入国管理記録は当然ながらコンピュータで管理されているだろうし、5月16日付のプーケット・ガゼット(Phuket Gazette – Tourist visa runs are not dead: Immigration boss)には、出入国管理局長官パーヌ・ケードゥラーポン(Pharnu Kerdlarpphon)国家警察中将(Pol. Lt. Gen./Police Lieutenant General)の談話として、「(外国人旅行者はタイへの再入国にあたって)旅程表、ホテルやツアーの予約確認票などタイを旅行していることがわかる書類を国境検問所の入国審査官へ提示することによってそれを証明しなければならない。(All they have to do is prove to the immigration officer at the border checkpoint that they really are tourists by presenting evidence such as their travel itinerary, hotel booking, tour bookings and any other documents to prove their travel in Thailand is genuine,)」とあることから、逆説的に言えば、こういったものが提示できれば問題ないと言えるだろう。

また、5月12日付のバンコク・ポスト(Bagkok Post – Thai immigration clamps down on visa runs)に、「国境検問所の係官は個別の事情によって裁量権を行使するだろう。もし、再入国が1回か2回であれば、その外国人はタイへの再入国が許可されるだろう。しかし、それが多くなれば、彼は尋問されることになるだろう。(Officials at borderpoints will use their discretion on a case-by-case basis. If a re-entry is made once or twice, a foreigner may be allowed to re-enter Thailand. But if he has done so multiple times, he may need to be interrogated.)」とあるように、再入国が何回まで旅行中の行為としてくれるのか、というものは入国審査官の胸三寸というところが大きい。



ちなみに、5月13日付のプーケット・ニュース(Phuket News – Immigration boss confirms the Out-In visa run is dead)には、出入国管理局長官パーヌ・ケードゥラーポン(Pharnu Kerdlarpphon)国家警察中将(Pol. Lt. Gen./Police Lieutenant General)の談話として、「ビザランはいくつかの例外を除いて過去のものとなった。(The national commander of Thai Immigration, Lt Gen Pharnu Kerdlarpphon, has confirmed that “Out-In” visa runs are – apart from a few exceptions – a thing of the past.)」とあるが、タイのメディアの捉え方(表題の付け方)の問題で内容的には同じようなことが書かれているようだ。

この記事で最も気になったのは、「パーヌ中将はタイに到着した人たちの電子指紋採取装置の導入を予定している。(Lt Gen Pharnu also confirmed that electronic fingerprinting of people arriving in Thailand will be introduced.)」という一節だろうか。


最後に、5月18日付のバンコク・ポスト(Bangkok Post – Border insecurity mounts as tourist visa abuse is targeted)にあった「ある北部の旅行業者曰く、出入国管理局がビザランを取り締まると明言したのは最初でない。私は、これが2週間あるいは2ヵ月で収まり、そして、これが今まで通りに戻ると期待している。(One Northern operator said it was not the first time immigration had vowed to crack down on visa runs. “I expect this will blow over in a couple of weeks or a couple of months and it will be business as usual.”)」という言葉は意味深なことだ。

今のビザラン規制は、タイのメディアを見る限り、出入国管理局長官パーヌ・ケードゥラーポン(Pharnu Kerdlarpphon)国家警察中将(Pol. Lt. Gen./Police Lieutenant General)の強力なイニシアティブによって引き起こされている感じがあり、彼が退任した後に来る人も、彼のような愛国心の強い強硬派なのだろうか。



Border insecurity mounts as tourist visa abuse is targeted (18 May 2014 Bangkok Post)

The Immigration Bureau’s tough stance is mainly aimed at South Koreans, Russians and Vietnamese working in Thailand illegally, but could affect any nationality.

The chief of the Immigration Bureau said abuse of tourist visas by South Koreans, Russians and Vietnamese working illegally in Thailand was the main motivation for cracking down on cross-border visa runs.

On May 8, the bureau announced that immigration border checkpoints would no longer allow “out-in” visa runs for visitors to extend their stay “other than for the purpose of tourism”, in reality, an enforcement of existing laws.

Visa runs have fuelled a thriving business at popular tourist spots around the country. Typically, for a 2,000 baht fee, a minibus carries a visitor to a nearby border crossing, allows the foreigner to alight, and then takes him or her to a Thai immigration checkpoint where they have their passports stamped and stays extended.

Immigration officials have long expressed concerns that the visa runs are being abused by foreigners who are working illegally in Thailand as language teachers, restaurant owners and staff, real estate agents and tour guides.

Immigration Bureau Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Pharnu Kerdlarpphon told Spectrum that if foreigners wanted to retire, work or do business in Thailand they had to apply for the correct type of visa and not exploit those designated for tourists. “We have been too kind, for too long, and the system has been abused,” he said. “Also, work visas, which cost 1,900 baht, help generate income and we have to make money somehow.”
出入国管理局長官パーヌ・ケードゥラーポン(Pharnu Kerdlarpphon)国家警察中将(Pol. Lt. Gen./Police Lieutenant General)は、もし、外国人がタイで引退生活をしたり、労働したり、ビジネスをやりたいならば、それに適したビザを申請すべきであり、観光客のために指定されたものを悪用すべきでないと本紙に語った。「あまりにも長い間、私たちはあまりに親切だった、そして、制度が悪用され続けた。また、取得費用が1,900バーツかかる就労ビザは国家財政に寄与し、私たちは何らかの形でお金を稼がなければならない。」と彼は述べた。

Pol Lt Gen Pharnu said South Koreans were the biggest abusers of the visa runs. The Thai government has a reciprocal arrangement with South Korea which allows nationals to stay in the country for 90 days on arrival.

He said immigration had received many complaints that South Koreans, Vietnamese and Russians were extending their stays through visa runs and were “stealing” jobs from Thais by working as tour guides and running restaurants.

“Since many tourists come to Thailand on a tourist visa and start to work illegally, we’ve decided that it’s time we became stricter in enforcing the law than we have been,” he said. “We have seen this problem for a long time but we have never bothered dealing with it before. But now we will, as some tourists seem to be abusing the rules.”

The changes have caused widespread confusion among foreigners in Thailand with specialist websites such as Thai Visa running lengthy updates on them. Some posters on the site’s forum claim they are already being denied visas at some northern checkpoints, despite Pol Lt Gen Pharnu saying the crackdown will not come into effect until Aug 12.
この変化は、長期にわたって更新され続けているThai Visaのような専門的なウェブサイト上で、タイ在住の外国人の間で幅広い混乱を引き起こした。パーヌ国家警察中将が8月12日までは取り締まりをしないと言っているにもかかわらず、何人かの投稿者はウェブサイト上のフォーラムで、すでに北部のいくつかの出入国審査場で入国を拒否され始めていると主張している。

Pol Col Sangkhom Tadso, immigration chief in Mukdahan which borders Laos, told Spectrum that his staff had been enforcing the changes for the past two weeks, mainly targeting South Koreans.
ラオス国境のムクダハーン出入国管理事務所長サンコーン・タッドソ(Sangkhom Tadso)国家警察大佐(Pol. Col/Police Colonel)は、彼の部下が過去2週間、主に韓国人を対象に変更後の方針を実施したと本紙に語った。

“There are 8,000 Thais deported from South Korea every year, while Thai immigration only deports 20 South Koreans per year,” he said. “We both have 90-day exemptions for tourist visas and South Koreans use that privilege to work here illegally. It’s a policy decided by Pol Lt Gen Pharnu Kerdlarpphon, the Immigration Bureau Commissioner, to strike back at South Korea’s government. They can deport us, we can do the same to them.”

Pol Col Sangkhom said since the law was being enforced, South Koreans were being denied entry on a daily basis.

Pol Lt Gen Pharnu said it did not matter how a tourist entered Thailand – whether it be with 15-, 30- or 90-day visa exemptions – if they exited a border checkpoint and tried to re-enter at the same point they would have to satisfy border control officials that their reason for travel is tourism. He also added that it did not matter what country the visitor came from.

This same scrutiny would apply to multiple-entry tourist visas issued by the Thai embassy in an individual’s home country. They could also be asked to provide evidence of financial support, which is typically 20,000 baht.

“If we see that the stamps on that tourist’s passport seem suspicious, we will ask that person to provide a travel itinerary and evidence of financial support,” he said. “If they fail to fulfil the requirements, we won’t let them in the country.”


A middle-aged Korean restaurant owner told Spectrum how she had taken advantage of the generous visa arrangements between the two countries for almost a decade. She also admitted all her staff were illegal workers as she could not find Thais to work for the pay she offered.

The restaurateur said she only converted to a legitimate business visa a few years ago, after years of using a 90-day tourist visa while she established her eatery.

“I opened the restaurant here in Bangkok more than 10 years ago,” she said. “All my other friends were doing the same thing. We entered Thailand on tourist visas and left the country every three months. We travelled to Poipet on the border and came right back. Sometimes we even went back home to South Korea.”

Before she legally registered her permit with the correct business visa, she had to pay local police protection money.

“We really had no choice but allow them to come and eat for free,” she said. “Sometimes they paid, but most of the time they did not. Then once a year, they collected the protection fee to give us the freedom to run the business.”

She said Thailand had been “very generous” to the South Korean community and she was grateful she and others had been allowed to establish businesses, even though they started out illegally. She said as they became successful, most of the South Koreans had applied for the correct visas and made their businesses legitimate.

“After working here for a while, I can now afford to pay the two million baht to have my business registered and apply for a proper work permit,” she said.

Although she benefited from bending the visa rules, she agrees with the coming crackdown. She said many South Koreans who come to work in Thailand nowadays are fugitives from justice back home.
彼女はビザ規則を曲げることで利益を得たにもかかわらず、来たるべき取り締まりには賛成している。彼女は、今日ではタイに働きに来る多くの韓国人は、祖国では警察に追われている者たち(fugitives from justice)であると語った。

“The pay in Thailand is nothing compared with what they can make back at home, but they’re better off remaining here as a free person. They might end up in prison if they go back home.”

Even though she has now established her business as legitimate, she still faces extortion from police over her illegal workers.

“Now they come around to check my employees who are from Myanmar and Cambodian,” she said.

“I have to admit that I haven’t registered them yet, but I plan to. I hope after the crackdown starts and I do everything right, the police will leave us alone.”

UP TO YOU (貴方次第)

Tour agents Spectrum spoke to said entry or re-entry to Thailand rested largely on an immigration officer’s discretion, a claim supported in part by the deportation of a young Russian woman that preceded the recent changes.

Immigration officials denied 26-year-old Mariia Sgibneva entry to Thailand at Phuket International Airport on April 21, forcing her to abandon her apartmentin Phuket and return to Malaysia, according to local media reports.
地元紙(Phuket Gazette)の報道によれば、4月21日、出入国管理当局はプーケット国際空港で26才のマリア・スギブネヴァ(Mariia Sgibneva)さんのタイ入国を拒否し、プーケットにある彼女のアパートを捨てて、マレーシアに帰国することを余儀なくさせた。

Ms Sgibneva — who came forward with her story after the crackdown was announced — said she completed two crossings by land after her tourist visa expired in February, and that she had left by air twice since those crossings to visit friends in Kuala Lumpur. On returning from this second trip to Kuala Lumpur, she said, she was detained by immigration officials at the airport and asked to show 20,000 baht in funds and provide proof of onward travel.

“The first question they asked was if I had a departing ticket from Thailand. I didn’t,” Ms Sgibneva told the Phuket Gazette. “But it wasn’t a big deal, I could buy one. I already knew when I was going to leave.”

Officials were unwilling to let her travel onward without showing her plans, so Ms Sgibneva hastily purchased a ticket to Malaysia on her phone and tried to show proof of the money in her bank account. But immigration officials couldn’t understand her bank’s Russian-language website and declined offers for translation.

“They asked me to show them 20,000 baht in cash,” she said. “I thought that by law I didn’t have to have the cash. It’s a lot of money. I thought I could show my bank account. They told me, “No, it’s not possible. They wanted to see the cash.”

Eventually, unable to convince them that she should be granted entry to the country, she flew back to Malaysia.

The entire ordeal left her rattled.

“I think for some people who want to do a visa run, the biggest problem is that they can deport you without any reason. I can understand that there are many Russian tourists who cause problems with Thai police, but if you really want to find the people who work, find them at their workplace,” she said.

“I don’t want to see anyone else in this kind of story, Russian or non-Russian.”


Most visa brokers in Bangkok who spoke to Spectrum last week said business was still booming. Agents at several travel services said they were unaware of the regulation change, and that border trips are continuing as usual, adding that those seeking to do a fifth or even sixth consecutive land crossing to Cambodia or Laos are still able to do so.

“Nothing has changed,” a major Bangkok visa broker said. “You can still go with no problem.”

One agency hyped their “close relationship” with immigration officials that they said makes them impervious to regulatory changes, and a few travel agents offered to arrange non-immigrant O visas at exorbitant rates for those wanting to extend their stay in the Kingdom without leaving Bangkok.

However, some agents said Koreans, Filipinos, Russians and Brazilians risk being turned away at land crossings if they have even one prior crossing in their passport.

One travel agent said she was no longer taking Korean customers because of the risk of them being denied a crossing by immigration, and that Koreans seeking a visa exemption on arrival must now do so by flying in and out of the country.

Agents aware of the changes said they did not receive any official notice, and were uncertain of why the changes were taking place. One speculated that it has to do with two passports that were stolen in Thailand and used as false identification by Iranian men on board the ill-fated Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, while others said financial motivations were likely pushing the policy shift.

“Thailand is Thailand,” another visa agent said. “I think they want to show that Thailand is hard to live in.” She added that she expected the situation to return to normal in the near future.

While buses full of border jumpers continue to depart from the capital, the situation has unfolded differently in the North, where an agent at a prominent Chiang Mai-based company said Thai immigration officials are now barring travellers with several back-to-back border stamps from crossing at Mae Sai in Chiang Rai. The abrupt change at the Mae Sai crossing, formerly a site ofregular visa runs for the city’s sizeable expat and backpacker communities, has removed a large share of his clientele. The crossing remains open to those with valid visas or those making their first land crossing for a visa exemption, he said, and his company is screening passengers beforehand to ensure they meet the new requirements.


Pol Lt Gen Pharnu said some visa-run operators had complained to immigration that the changes were costing them money. He said that after he explained the reasoning behind the current crackdown they “calmed down a little bit”.

“Do you love Thailand?” Pol Lt Gen Pharnu said he asked the complaining operators. I told them that if you love our country, you must understand that these types of tourists are destroying our country by stealing jobs from Thais.

“Thai people can’t do this in other countries. Why would we let people from other countries do this to us? We have been kind to these people for so long. Now it’s time to be stricter about the law.”

Pol Lt Gen Pharnu said immigration police would allow the cross-border visa runs to continue until Aug 12. “We will still let those with tourist visas cross the border and come right back in from now until Aug 12. We will take time until then to publicise the law,” he said. “I’m sure it will take a lot of time to adjust, but this will be good for our country in the long term.”

After the grace period finishes, those working here illegally on tourist visas will have to apply for the right kind of visa.

“I would like to let everyone know that we fully support tourism in Thailand, but we will no longer allow people to abuse the law and use the tourist visa for the wrong purpose,” Pol Lt Gen Pharnu said.

One Northern operator said it was not the first time immigration had vowed to crack down on visa runs.

“I expect this will blow over in a couple of weeks or a couple of months and it will be business as usual,” he said. “The government probably needs money right now so they may be encouraging people to buy visas. It’s always really about money, isn’t it.”


Tourist visa runs are not dead: Immigration boss (May 16, 2014 Phuket Gazette)

PHUKET: Tourists who can prove that they are genuinely staying only short-term while travelling in Thailand will be allowed to leave on “visa-runs” and re-enter the country, Immigration Commissioner Pharnu Kerdlarpphon confirmed to the Phuket Gazette.
タイを旅行中に純粋に短期間の国外滞在をしているとわかる旅行者は、ビザランで出国し再入国することが認められるとパーヌ・ケードゥラーポン(Pharnu Kerdlarpphon)出入国管理局長官は本紙の取材に対して正式に認めた。

“Genuine tourists are fine. All they have to do is prove to the immigration officer at the border checkpoint that they really are tourists by presenting evidence such as their travel itinerary, hotel booking, tour bookings and any other documents to prove their travel in Thailand is genuine,” Lt Gen Pharnu said on Wednesday.
「真の旅行者は素晴らしい。彼らは旅程表、ホテルやツアーの予約確認票などタイを旅行していることがわかる書類を国境検問所の入国審査官へ提示することによってそれを証明しなければならない。」とパーヌ中将(Lt. Gen./Lieutenant General)は水曜日(5月14日)に述べた。

“Then they will be allowed to re-enter the country.”

Gen Pharnu clarified the focus of the new immigration regulation, which allows most foreigners to enter the country only once using visa-exempt status.

“The crackdown is all about preventing foreigners from using visa-exemptions and tourist visas to stay in Thailand and work,” Gen Pharnu said.

“We should have done this a long time ago. We have let foreigners work illegally in Thailand on tourist visas for too long. It’s time to stop them.”
「私たちはずっと以前からこうすべきだった。私たちは長い間、観光ビザでタイで不法就労する外国人を許してきたが、 今やそれをやめるときだ。」

The new regulation has nothing to do with ill-fated Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 and the passports from Phuket that were used to board the flight, the general added.

The immigration chief was clear that from August 13 any foreigners who fail to prove that they are tourists will not be allowed to re-enter the country on visa exemption status, as explained in a formal notice posted on Bangkok Immigration’s website on May 8.

“From August 13, if we suspect any foreigner of working illegally in Thailand on a tourist visa, that person will be detained and deported, even if the foreigner has not previously completed even a single visa run,” he said.

“People who are deported will be banned from re-entering Thailand for five years, not forever. After that, the foreigner may appeal to re-enter the country.”

“This is what we have been doing for years with foreigners who have been deported, and any foreigner who is added to our blacklist is issued a formal notice explaining what they have done wrong.”

Gen Pharnu noted that immigration officers were ordered to give special attention to Russians, South Koreans, Vietnamese and Chinese attempting to extend their stays by completing visa runs.
パーヌ中将は、入国審査官がビザランを完了させることによって滞在の延長を企てるロシア人、韓国人、ベトナム人、 そして中国人に対し、特別な注意を払うよう命じられていることに言及した。

Ranong Immigration Superintendent Ekkorn Bussababordin confirmed to the Gazette on May 12 that foreigners will continue to be allowed to re-enter Thailand on three consecutive “walk-in” visas until August 12. Crackdown banning ‘walk-in visa runs’ to begin August 13 – Phuket Gazette on 12 May, 2014)
5月12日、ラノーン出入国管理事務所長のエコーン・ブッサバボーディン(Ekkorn Bussababordin)氏は、引き続き8月12日までは外国人が3回連続で徒歩入国によるビザでタイに再入国することが認められる、と本紙の取材に対して正式に認めた。

As reported in the Gazette last week, after August 12, such foreigners risk being stranded in Myanmar.

The May 8 order, posted in Thai, stated that the new rule is to come into effect at all immigration checkpoints, including airports.

“Thailand is open to all tourists,” Gen Pharnu said, “but we will not allow illegal workers. If you want to work here please do the right thing. Apply for a business visa and live here legally.”


Thai immigration clamps down on visa runs (12 May 2014 Bangkok Post)

Immigration police have announced they are clamping down on tourists who remain illegally in Thailand by exploiting permission given to many foreigners to enter Thailand without a visa and remain up to 30 days at a time.

The clampdown does not affect holders of non-immigrant visas or holders of tourist visas who still have remaining entries permitted on their legal visas.

The crackdown aims at foreign visitors, particularly westerners, who do not hold a visa, but who exit and then immediately return to Thailand every 15 or 30 days to receive another stamp to extend their stay. A loophole aimed at helping short-term visitors allows foreigners from many countries to enter Thailand for between 15 and 30 days without a visa.

Effectively immediately, immigration officers at the borders may bar foreigners without a visa when they leave the country, usually at a land border point, and then immediately try to re-enter Thailand. The law permits immigration officers to give such travellers permission to re-enter for 15 to 30 days, or to deny them permission to enter.

Under the new rules, visitors who leave and then try to come back immediately may be stopped, and told they must first obtain a proper tourist or non-immigrant visa, and then return.

As of now, “visa runs”, as many foreigners call them even though no visas are actually involved, will end for those using land borders. They will also be restricted or ended by air as of Aug 12.

Tourists of all nationalities are being checked thoroughly at all borderpoints for visa validity, said Chatichai Ieamsang, commander of the Immigration Bureau’s Division 4.
すべての外国人旅行者は、ビザが有効かどうかをすべての国境検問所でチェックされている、とチャーティチャーイ・イェムサン(Chatichai Ieamsang)出入国管理局第4部長は述べた。

The “visa run” is not in line with the intent of tourism promotion and the National Police recently ordered a review of the regulation. The number of visitors who effectively reside in Thailand on the back of such visa runs is not known, but many communicate via internet forums, and there seem to be a large number. Typically, they have stayed in Thailand to retire, or even to work, both of which are illegal without proper visas.

Officials at borderpoints will use their discretion on a case-by-case basis.

If a re-entry is made once or twice, a foreigner may be allowed to re-enter Thailand. But if he has done so multiple times, he may need to be interrogated, the officer said.

Foreigners who cannot convince officials they are tourists will be advised to apply for a proper Thai visa if they wish to remain in the country.

“They can do so in neighbouring countries. The closest is Vientiane, which will cost them 1900 baht. We’re strict about this because 90% of all foreigners making re-entries actually work in Thailand, mainly as language instructors.”

“It will also prevent corruption as there are officials who claim they could help these foreigners.”

“Today we found a South Korean who has done this seven times. It turns out he has a Thai wife in Nakhon Ratchasima. In his case, we didn’t allow him to re-enter because he is not a tourist,” Pol Maj Gen Chatchai said.
「今日、私たちは7回もビザランをしている韓国人を見つけた。彼はナコーンラーチャシーマー(コラート)にタイ人妻がいることがわかっている。この場合、彼は旅行者でないため彼の再入国を許可しなかった。」とチャットチャーイ国家警察少将(Pol. Maj. Gen./Police Major General Chatchai)は述べた。



  1. 永井 より:


  2. 匿名 より:


  3. カルロス より:


  4. カルロス より:


  5. OISHI より:

    >また、韓国人のビザは、90日ではないです。 今現在は
